1. This page was especifically created for English speaking people, in search of The Truth.

ALL the documents bellow are ór complitelly in English (spoken), ór contains countless English spoken texts, so you will be able to understand almost everything documented in this clips.

Download and share. Inform the people. ENCOURAGE people to think, study, investigate for themselfs, and NOT believe everything they hear or see exactly and directly as they hear/sees it, including this site.

DO NOT believe anything(!) unless you thoroughly studied the subject youself, and investigated it yourself, taking your info directly from the source, not via-via. Seek THE TRUTH, share THE TRUTH!


NOBODY has the right to hide the truth, just because it might uppset the bad guys, which come out in a bad light because of the truth.

An evolving society based on democracy, honesty, truth and humanity, is BOUND to tell The Truth and thus PROTECT itself against social, financial, and human REGRESS, which leads only to the RUIN of Humanity itself.

In short, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9ZqQutgGIQ


On the other hand, a society where lying, cheating, crimes and desinformation are protected and even cherished, while the truth is harshly punished en even totally burried, condemns itself to DEATH and auto-extermination from the Existence itself.

The DARK SIDE (of these kind of WRONG societies) described in this paragraph, leads only to the grave, by it's own hands and it's own doing. And because there can be NO society without people, the society being actually US, The Human Race, wherever we might be and live on this Earth, knowing now what has been explained here, all we can say is:

The choice is yours! YOU are the society! You and all like you on this planet: The Human Race.

Do the right thing!  Seek The TruthTell The Truth!  Inform the peopleSave the WorldEVOLVE!


This page was made under the protection of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (https://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/), under article 19 (which says: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.")


The Real History of the Last Century.  The TRUTH:

Episode  1.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15NBPMCGD01hW2XGZQhkj0KaXyVI_sJMV/view

Alternative link: https://ugetube.com/watch/europa-the-last-battle-part-1-mp4_ZHWMlXqwCvXmQNJ.html

- The Global Economic Structure

- The Historical Roots Of Zionism & Communism

- The Bolshevik Revolution & The Holodomor


Episode  2.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dWDsPUMhn_1WtF5MAuUgrU0tZY8Kx2L6/view

Alternative link: https://ugetube.com/watch/europa-the-last-battle-part-2-mp4_FSuwKVqFqSfpdL2.html

- World War 1

- The Balfour Declaration

- The Frankfurt School & Cultural Marxism(Feminism/Degeneracy/Political Correctness)

- The Weimar Republic

- Jewish Group-Evolutionary Strategy


Episode  3.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vID4OFY0ytl59MBxNYKjk5bmaD3arYRN/view

Alternative link: https://ugetube.com/watch/europa-the-last-battle-part-3-mp4_ryF2pqN3gFHYupn.html

- The Rise Of Hitler

- The Third Reich

- The National Socialist Economic, Cultural & Spiritual Rebirth

- Hitler vs Rothschild


Episode  4.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lrMr-O_lq4GHgpMm7XEcf_yOjYviJS2w/view

Alternative link: https://ugetube.com/watch/europa-the-last-battle-part-4-mp4_PdxnpDXswCZf7BT.html

- Judea Declares War

- Anti-German terrorism & warmongering

- Jewish Migration From The Third Reich, The Transfer Agreement & The Madagaskar Plan

- The Final Solution

- Hitlers’ Struggle For Peace & Germany’s Peace Offers

- The Start Of World War 2


Episode  5.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoPmwQ37rhTp4Y9XdVZ0EKd4LzYq9GIQ/view

Alternative link: https://ugetube.com/watch/europa-the-last-battle-part-5-mp4_74JQ2BmfhrXc9Cd.html

- The Roots Of Globalism, Multiculturalism & White Genocide

- The Kalergi, Kaufman, Morgenthau & Hootonplans for European Genocide

- Jewish Supremacism vs German Racialism

- The Myth Of German Racism

- Hitlers’ Jewish Soldiers


Episode  6.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ozWp264UxPYSacFiq2P7ztCWm7Xf-Vwb/view

Alternative link: https://ugetube.com/watch/europa-the-last-battle-part-6-mp4_MyNJvm7cg28WT2q.html

- Operation Barbarossa

- The Liberation Of Russia

- Pearl Harbour

- Churchill’s Bengal Famine

- The Brutal Terror-Bombings Of German Cities & The Firestorm In Dresden


Episode  7.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QFBNRORBJHXVtwZz15nEq3Os8UEF9hjy/view

Alternative link: https://ugetube.com/watch/europa-the-last-battle-part-7-mp4_TFRR4u5jaECay64.html

- The Katyn Massacre

- The Rape Of Europe

- Eisenhowers Death-Camps

- The Genocide Of Germany

- The Last Days Of The Third Reich

- Plan A – The Jewish Terrorist Plan To Genocide 6 Million Germans


Episode  8.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17vTXEuAuIAVWSjntldjlweV_eytHEaIo/view

Alternative link: https://ugetube.com/watch/europa-the-last-battle-part-8-mp4_eVap2JTx52jwNcR.html

- The Holocaust – Expulsion vs Extermination

- The Origin Of The “Six Million” Figure

- The Allied Black Propaganda, Atrocity Fiction & Psychological Warfare

- The Labour & Internment Camps

- The Gas-Chambers

- The Soap & Lampshades

- The International Red Cross Report & Jewish Population Numbers


Episode  9.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SOJlROiGnJt12EXUMLsHiNI2Ph6Dqak0/view

Alternative link: https://ugetube.com/watch/europa-the-last-battle-part-9-mp4_tzyPpqBzL4yPExq.html

- The Aftermath of WWII

- The Destruction Of Europe & Western Civilisation

- The Greater Israel Project & The Zionist War On Terror

- The Great Demographic Replacement & The Invasion Of Europe


Episode 10.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TDKrkmq8VvJ36j-m2Eh21f8RAuC5izfw/view?usp=sharing

Alternative link: https://ugetube.com/watch/europa-the-last-battle-part-10-mp4_EdGNDwNUG4afiCJ.html

- The Nationalist Revolution & The Awakening

- Credits


CRUCIAL INFORMATIONS ABOUT WW2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1frohnZ3X9FKZzw-frE5lklTDfuERfro6/view 


The school books contains FAKE history! Mark Weber explains Myths about WW2:



The Real History of Slavery, straight from Dr, David Duke ex-member of the US Government, demonised in the Media after he made public what everybody knew, like "Duke speaks against what he alleges as Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. federal government, and the media" (this after the management of the Federal Seserve Bank said they are jewish) , this being a quote from en.wikipedia.org where Dr. David Duke si also acused of being anti-comunist (which is true, but there is nothing wrong in that). Dragged through the dirt in Media and elsewhere for all the offical & proved evidence he keeps presenteng the World, he keeps digging through purposelly hidden (by The New World Order) evidence of the Real History of The World.

WITHOUT KNOWING OUR HISTORY, without knowing WHO WE ARE and WHERE we came from, we can't possibly know exactly WHERE are we going, as long as the fundation of all our roads to the future is based on lies and deceit, a deadly combinbation which only leads to DISASTER.  WATCH this clip: FACTS about Slavery, and who allways was behind it.mp4 (ugetube.com)

as well as thisone:

The TRUE HISTORY- Jewish Slavetrade Documentary (ugetube.com)

Also this one:



How about USA financing (from the taxpayer's money) Israel, so Israel can attack America? Watch this:

The criminal attack of Israel, on USS Liberty of USA, and it's criminal-masonic cover-up for the American People. (ugetube.com)


Revealed secret cable from the US Embassy in Israel (about Israel) to the US Government, having as title "Israel, Land of Organised Crime", this is the link: Israel- The Promised Land of Organized Crime - Full Version.mp4 (ugetube.com)


The school books contains FAKE history! Mark Weber explains Myths about WW2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAkWNt-SsVs&t=132s


Extra Info:


Jewish Rabi and other Jews tells us about WW2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uUf2CxzjcV-NQPEE2omVuqrD2IfX-ZOR/view

WHO was (and stil is) the Maffia? See here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11INjjpYYJtVDy_Y4b7hGJ7IjLaOf0L99/view

WHO invented, used, promoted, and earned with Slavery? See here:

1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17d1DLKM-AuxynclcnGIEld8EtTuH1nre/view

2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lchQJmnMzv9XLGIoVk8M1dRw2VAsPkUt/view

3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1syf9yeFCr-O9HWP3YPslhlttSMXraAmV/view

4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/120Zzvh5Cx-Wg_lrzwR4IkrleWtMp4hvo/view

5: White slaves to animalic pirates: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pct6bTOoWc7_cz2CMU5_AsflAAKFYR-8/view

6: Have you seen this Monumental Documentary "Thrive"?  If not, you should of!  Your very Life depend on it. See it here: https://youtu.be/lEV5AFFcZ-s

The Holly Jewish (moral values) book, The Talmud:

1. thtps://drive.google.com/file/d/16w3Ipv0LTPFGzKB9csHr8-UfDm-6vWe_/view

2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WH0rGh3RbflRWWCrK-v5RbJNU7uKazsV/view


Vezi si documentarul "Thrive" pe net/youtube (english spoken): https://youtu.be/lEV5AFFcZ-s

Sau aici subtitrat in romaneste: https://youtu.be/bRG83Vzb3X8


The school books contains FAKE history! Mark Weber explains Myths about WW2:



Like the Jim Jones sect in the jungle of Guyana in the '70-s, the Talmudic Satanists have also their own sects, in the Guatemala jungle, here one of them: Like the Jim Jones sect in the jungle of Guyana in the '70-s, the Talmudic Satanists have also their own sects, in the Guatemala jungle, here one of them. (ugetube.com)


Adrenochrome. A uninterupted Jewish custom against the Human Race since 4000 years ago. Old clipAdrenochrome. A uninterupted Jewish custom against the Human Race since 4000 years ago. Old clip. More info below.. (ugetube.com)


Adrenochrome. Satanic jewish genocide-cult against us, the human race: Adrenochrome. Satanic jewish genocide-cult against us, the human race. (ugetube.com)


Hitler warned us about the Global Elite and their banks (full of money STOLEN from us through criminal tricks and corruption) for a very long while. His speeches are still bannned on Jewish sites, as youtube, bitchute and facebook. For the same reason the JFK speaches are banned there too: Hitler warned us about the Global Elite and their banks (full of money STOLEN from us through criminal tricks and corruption) for a very long while. His speeches are still bannned on Jewish s (ugetube.com)


The Eternal Fight of the JEWS for the Extermination of the White Race. HOW do they do it? Here their modern methodes.
NOTE: Their fight against us begun 4000 years ago, when they were called "Habaru", "Sea Peoples, The Bringers of The Apocalypse" (together with the ancient greeks and African Blacks, see ancient Egyptian basoreilefs with Ramses 2 and these 3 savage invading nations, the ones who masacred and destroyed the Human Race in Southern Europe and south west Anatolia, they destroyed then tha Bronze Age & Civilisation, totally. At that time (repeatedly, during many centuries) they invaded and masacred Pelasgia (and later renamer it "Greece"(Graecia), they massacred Troy, north east Egypt, Canaan etc. LEARN your history! Who ignores the mistakes of the past, is condemned to REPEAT them, as we do that TODAY! They are the financial GLOBAL ELITE of today, with all that money stolen from us, through countless financial schemes along many centuries. See the 10 episode serie "Europa, The Last Battle". It's a MUST: The Eternal Fight of the JEWS for the Extermination of the White Race. HOW do they do it? Here their modern methodes. NOTE: Their fight against us begun 4000 years ago, when they were called (ugetube.com)


The ancestors of the ancient Habaru (the eternal Bringers of the Apocalypse), the today Talmudics/Masons, are giving us today The Final Blow. The GRIM FUTURE:  The ancestors of the ancient Habaru (the eternal Bringers of the Apocalypse), the today Talmudics/Masons, are giving us today The Final Blow. The GRIM FUTURE. (ugetube.com)


The JEWS/Talmudians. The Architects of Western World Decline: A Study on the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism: The JEWS/Talmudians. The Architects of Western World Decline: A Study on the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism. (ugetube.com)


Minority Rule - How the JEWS slowely kill the World by messing up with our minds in schools. The Rise of Political Correctness (the jewish killing of the Human Race, through manipulation)Minority Rule - How the JEWS slowely kill the World by messing up with our minds in schools. The Rise of Political Correctness (the jewish killing of the Human Race, through manipulation) (ugetube.com)


Satanic/Jewish Ritual Murder against the children of the human race, a 4000 years old Jewish satanic custom, stil used by them today! Countless intreviews with the jewish murderers themselfs proves that. Their Talmud says that all non-jews (gentiles/gentlemen/civilised race) has to be exterminated. Because we are to many and the jews to few, they decided to ask us to commit suicide through vaccination. The suicidal retards among us agreed to that, as well as the traitors among us, which for the proverbial "30 pieces of silver" they agressively promovate the talmudic/satanic vaccination even on our kids, and persecute those who refuse it: Satanic/Jewish Ritual Murder against the children of the human race, a 4000 years old Jewish satanic custom, stil used by them today! Countless intreviews with the jewish murderers themselfs (ugetube.com)


The LOOTING of The ENTIRE WORLD, commited by the Talmudic Global Elite, and how it is donne. The economic specialist Catherine Austin Fitts explains. She avoids naming names, to avoid being judicial persecuted for it: The LOOTING of The ENTIRE WORLD, commited by the Talmudic Global Elite, and how it is donne. The economic specialist Catherine Austin Fitts explains. She avoid naming names, to avoid being ju (ugetube.com)


The Chief Talmudic Satanist Klaus Schwein (aka "Schwab") talks about his Ocult Gang Satanic Plan to inplant microchips in everybody, in the near futureThe Chief Talmudic Satanist Klaus Schwein (aka "Schwab") talks about his Ocult Gang Satanic Plan to inplant microchips in everybody, in the near future. (ugetube.com)


Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condemned to repeat them! https://ugetube.com/watch/who-didn-039-t-learn-from-the-mistakes-of-the-past-is-condemned-to-repeat-them_NNgspgjIzquPSPK.html



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